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What is the Best Mattress for a Bad Back?

You should ask a back specialist for advice as no two cases are the same. However in general, firm beds tend to cause back problems rather than cure them. Most people sleep on beds that are too firm for them, in part this is due to it being easy and cheap to make firm beds, but to make a bed that is soft yet at the same time to give good support takes special expertise and will be more expensive. The Pure Rest range excel in providing just the right balance of softness and support. A consultation with a bed specialist, which you will find at each of our retailers, and should not be hurried, is vital to get exactly the right bed just for you.

As you use wool in your mattresses and toppers does this make the bed hot ?

When you wear a wool garment it keeps you warm as the structure produces lots of little pockets of still air, but when it is used in a mattress or topper it is different. Mostly heat rises so the temperature of the bed is regulated by the duvet over you. What makes a very big difference however is the moisture handling properties of the filling under you. We perspire while sleeping and over the lifespan of a bed this can add up to hundreds of gallons, much of which gets into the bed. The structure of good quality wool is such that it readily absorbs this moisture into the wool fibre leaving the surface dry, and then diffuses it back to the atmosphere so you feel dry rather than sweaty, it really feels both cosy and cool rather than hot. Wool is far better at this than even cotton and infinitely better than polyester or foam - which can feel very uncomfortable in hot weather. Wool is the best mattress filling available which is why we use large amounts of it in our beds.


Wool tends to make me itchy will I get this when lying on one of your beds ?

Some people are allergic to wool but normally you would use a mattress cover and then a fitted sheet so the wool will not make direct contact. We have not heard of anyone having a problem with this. However if you feel this may be a problem let us know and we will put a cotton pad on each side to be sure especially for you.


Why do you use horse hair in your beds ?

Hair is perfect for the layer between the springs and the wool fillings, flexible and aids natural breathing of the fillings, it has been used for the best beds and upholstery for hundreds of years. We are aware that some people prefer not to have hair in the bed and we can offer a hair free version if required.


How often should I turn the mattress ?

It depends on the model. For all mattresses it is important to turn them especially for the first year and instructions come with each bed. In the case of the Heritage and Ultima models that have the topper mattress, just the topper needs turning frequently - ideally each time you change the sheets, of course it is easy to turn just the topper. 


Do you make zip and link mattresses ?

We can make these to special order but a zip and link is never as comfortable as a one piece mattress, usually these are bought so they can be turned more easily. We recommend instead to use a one piece mattress with a topper - see question above regarding turning.


Your toppers look different to others what is the difference ?

Our topper is unique. Toppers are usually stitched together, but to be able to set the stitches the topper has to be squeezed flat at the stitch point, this limits the amount of filling that can be used. We have developed a system to put far more fillings in, and the unique tufting cannot be felt when you lay on it as with ordinary tufts. While our toppers will settle a little as the fillings are natural, they cannot go flat. These ties also create micro vents that aid the circulation of air around and through the topper for a perfect sleep environment. 

When buying a topper it is vital to find out the exact composition of materials. As some give the impression to be natural yet are using significant volume of polyester which will make you sweat.


How long will your bed last ?

We have subjected our mattress for test where a heavy metal roller ( like a large garden roller but heavier) is pushed back and forth across the bed, if this were not severe enough they use a roller that is not round but triangular with three lobes that push down into the mattress at the same time pushing everything sideways each time it moves - and this is done many thousands of times. We were told that such a lovely soft mattress would usually fall apart in the test, but it did not. It did not just pass the test but afterward it looked exactly as it had before - no broken springs, no torn fabric, no split seams, you cannot even see where the test was done, the testing house was amazed. We keep the tested mattress in our showroom to show our beds are made to last. With our Heritage and Ultima ranges it is possible to replace just the topper after some years and enjoy the feel of a brand new bed again.

We are so confident in the quality of our beds that we supply a 10 year warranty for UK Domestic customers. 

Should there be a serious defect in the quality of our workmanship, we will exchange or repair, as long as the bed has been used within the guidelines explained on your instructions and guarantee card supplied with each bed. As we conform to British Standards by passing the mattress durability test ( BS 7397 and EN1957 ) you know this is a bed built to last! 


How many springs are in your mattress ?

There is a fascination it seems with putting as many springs as possible into a mattress. This can be counter productive as jamming springs together means they cannot work independently as they are designed to. There is a lot of technology in our springs to get exactly the right feel and control. Every spring is tempered after it is made which ‘locks’ the response of the spring and resists it gradually softening. Each mattress has the optimum number of the correct springs in combination for the perfect response.


Why are your beds less expensive than some others ? 

 Our objective is to supply a top class range of beds, using the best materials available but also ensuring they are also good value for money. We ensure that each retailer have a qualified bed expert to give proper advice to customers and ensure they are sold the right product for them and that they too work to reasonable margins.  We have been in the bedding trade since 1980 but the Pure Rest brand was launched only a few years ago, being the result of some of the most experienced technicians in the trade developing this incredible product. Do not be fooled into thinking that something more expensive must be better because it is more expensive. Remember that a good bed is an investment that will pay dividends, better sleep and hence better life all round. When we consider what we spend on say a motor car, which we use a lot less than our bed and change much earlier, we owe it to ourselves to get a good bed.


How do I choose the right size and tension for me ? 

Take your time lie on both your side and back for several minutes - and listen to your body!

If your spouse is a different weight we make dual tension beds. It is good to buy the largest size you can. 


How long does it take to make a complete divan set ?

It varies according to the model. Each is made by hand using simple sewing machines and lots of skill, excepting the topper which is ‘tufted’ by a special machine we developed. The Ultima for example take up to around 30 man-hours to make, good things cannot be rushed.


What is so special about the Ultima model ?

Frankly - everything. Like a thoroughbred race car it is attention to every detail that sets it apart. Even the divan base is unique with a special spring system we developed for it - there is nothing like it and it gives excellent support for this incredible mattress and topper set. 


If you have other questions we would like to hear from you -

Bespoke Options

Require something a bit different to normal ? Please call us to discuss. Due to our handemade bespoke nature we may be able to create excatly what you want !

Pure Rest Beds

Wellpond Green
Hertfordshire, UK

SG11 1NN

01799 610945


Would you like a bed expert to give you a call to discuss your requirements? Please fill in.


Thankyou. We will be in touch !

Pure Rest Beds - Luxury Natural Beds.

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